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Nüreqio Language


Some about the Nüreq kingdom
Nüreqio Language
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Here I give you an explication of this language

Here are some rules of this language, and some definitions


Have four types of tildes: "^", "`", "¨" and "´".

Smilie Face

"^" is used in the words that have two syllables, and is put in the first syllable.
"`" is used when have three syllable, and it is put in the second syllable
"¨" is used when have four syllable, and you put it in the syllable number three.

Sometimes, will appear something like that: "csh" and "ksh". In this case, that is replaced by "c" and "k".
Have two genders: Male and Female.
All the others things are very similar of Spanish (because I'm chilean) 

Some definitions

Hello: Îre            
Bye: Kêi           
House: Kêpe
Boy: Vui
Man: Îhca

Create your own language! 

To create a language you only need a lot of imagination and some knowledge about other languages